The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening (2024)

Seeds are little miracles that transform the world. In the wild, these tiny amalgamations of DNA can be stored away for years, waiting for the right conditions to turn a barren desert, a fallow forest floor, or a trampled prairie into an oasis of bloom. In our gardens, starting seeds is one of the easiest ways to make more plants. Volunteer seedlings can be blessings, appearing year after year to fill holes in the landscape, or they can be curses, in the form of weeds that seem to spawn out of nowhere. I teach students with little to no background in growing plants, and it is always inspiring to witness their wonder when they see the first little leaves emerge from seeds they have planted. In that rich moment, they have become gardeners. What do seeds require to germinate? Here’s what you need to know.

What seeds need: The big three

Seeds need an environmental trinity to be able to germinate: the right temperature, abundant moisture, and adequate oxygen. If there is an absence of any of the three, you will not see emergence. Let’s look at each factor in more detail.

The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening (1)

1. The temperature must be right

Seeds, like Goldilocks, want their environment to be just right when they germinate—not too cold or too hot. At the extremes, germination may take weeks or months. But if temperatures are in the optimal range, seedlings will be up in a few days.

We see this in the garden when winter-annual weed seeds begin to germinate in late summer or fall after the temperature drops. Seeds have had access to moisture during the summer, but here they are popping up at the first signs of cooler weather. I have also seen the effect of temperature on germination in spring, when gardeners complain about warm-season crops like peppers taking forever to germinate. Usually they are placed on chilly windowsills and don’t emerge for a few weeks.

Trays of seeds that need warmer temperatures can be put on a seedling heat mat or on top of a refrigerator, freezer, or water heater. Just be sure that once leaves emerge you get them into the right light conditions as quickly as possible. If you are trying to keep seeds cool, try placing cardboard over them and moistening the soil underneath them once a day.

The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening (2)

2. Water gets things going

Germination is a bit like starting a car. Think of temperature as the key that controls whether germination starts or not, and water as the fuel that really gets things going. Once water is imbibed by the seed, many metabolic processes prime the seed for the emergence of root and shoot.

Seeds must have close contact with the growing medium to make sure that they can get enough water to germinate. Some species, such as basil (Ocimum basilicum), even produce a mucilage that plumps up around the seed to help ensure that it is surrounded by the wet stuff.

A common issue with seeds germinating is that they do not get enough water. There are multiple approaches to make sure seeds stay wet. Seeds by themselves can be placed in damp paper towels in baggies before sowing into a tray. If the seeds are large enough, they can be soaked overnight in a saucer. Seeds sown directly in trays can be covered with moist newspapers or put into a mist chamber to keep the surface of the planting medium moist. If seeds are planted outside, morning and evening irrigation is usually enough to keep them hydrated. If the weather is extremely dry, you can plant seeds in a slight trench made with a hoe to catch water (photo) or cover the seeds with cardboard and moisten underneath once a day.

The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening (3)

3. Oxygen is the often forgotten element

Seeds use oxygen too! This may surprise some people, since the focus on gases with plants is usually on the carbon dioxide plants use to make sweet sugars. Just as you need plenty of oxygen when you exercise, a seed must take in oxygen to break down its stored food supply during germination. If seeds are planted too deep, if they sit in too much water, or if a thick crust forms on the soil, they may be starved of oxygen. Avoid creating these conditions when sowing.

Troubleshooting: What if my seeds don’t germinate?

If a viable seed is exposed to the appropriate temperature, moisture, and oxygen levels and nothing happens, a condition called dormancy may be to blame.

Dormancy makes sense from a plant’s perspective. Interacting with their environment over time, many wild plants developed mechanisms to prevent germination until conditions were favorable for seedling survival. Some vegetables and flowering annuals grown by humans over the millennia have had seed dormancy bred out of them, but many species still show these basal traits.

Three common dormancy scenarios (and how to overcome them)

The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening (4)

1. Water can’t penetrate the seed coat

Some seeds have a very thick seed coat that may also contain water-repellent molecules. A thick coat makes sense for seeds that must endure freezing and scorching weather, traveling through animals’ digestive systems, or being trampled by herds. Under conditions like these, natural selection would have favored seeds with a robust physical barrier over thinner-walled counterparts.

To encourage germination, you can scarify (damage) the water-resistant seed coat. Use fingernail clippers, a file, or sandpaper to remove the seed coat until you see the underlying flesh. Some horticulturists soak the seeds in hot water (140°F) or acid, but these techniques require more safety precautions.

Seeds with thick coats

The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening (5)

The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening (6)

The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening (7)

  • Eastern bluestar (Amsonia tabernaemontana, Zones 3–9)
  • Kentucky coffee tree (Gymnocladus dioica, Zones 3–8)
  • Texas bluebonnet (Lupinus texensis, Zones 3–8)
  • False indigo (Baptisia australis, Zones 3–9)
  • Goat’s rue (Tephrosia virginiana, Zones 3–9)

2. Hormones are preventing germination

The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening (8)

Many temperate perennial and woody species that shed seed late in the season have evolved a hormonal strategy to prevent seeds from germinating before winter. The two main hormones involved work against each other: abscisic acid induces dormancy, and gibberellin releases it.

For these seeds, a cold, moist treatment called stratification can shift the hormones from inducing dormancy to promoting germination. The name comes from horticulturists who stacked seeds outside in layers during the winter to expose them to dormancy-breaking weather conditions. The hormonal shift that occurs during stratification is like an alarm clock, letting seeds know it is time to wake up. If stratification does not occur, the seeds will snooze until they get their cold-and-moist beauty rest. An easy way to stratify seeds is to place them in a damp paper towel or soilless substrate, seal them in a labeled plastic bag, and place the bag in the refrigerator for one to three months. In some cases you may need to alternate warm and cold stratification to allow the embryos (baby plants) to fully develop.

Seeds that need cold and moisture to germinate

The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening (9)

The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening (10)

The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening (11)

  • Red buckeye (Aesculus pavia, Zones 4–8)
  • Butterfly milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa, Zones 3–9)
  • Pawpaw (Asimina triloba, Zones 5–9)
  • Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana, Zones 4–9)
  • New York ironweed (Vernonia noveboracensis, Zones 5–9)

3. The seeds have no access to light

The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening (12)

It makes sense that some seeds would need light to germinate. Because a plant cannot move once it sprouts, waiting until there is ample light is a good adaptation to have. We observe this requirement in many species that grow on the forest floor or in swamps where water is usually abundant; thus, it is believed that light would be a better trigger for when to germinate. (Interestingly, spider lily [Hymenocallis occidentalis, Zones 5–8] actually has a green seed coat that must photosynthesize for germination!) When planting light-sensitive seeds, sprinkle them on top of the growing substrate, lightly press them into it, and then place them under lights or outside to germinate. Because they are on the surface, take extra care to ensure that they stay moist.

Seeds that need light to germinate

The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening (13)

The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening (14)

The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening (15)

  • Lettuce (Lactuca sativa, annual)
  • Oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia, Zones 5–9)
  • Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis, Zones 3–9)
  • Foxglove beardtongue (Penstemon digitalis, Zones 3–8)

Jared Barnes, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of horticulture at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas.

The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening (2024)


The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening? ›

The temperature must be right

What triggers a seed to start growing? ›

Seeds remain dormant until conditions are favorable for germination. All seeds need water, oxygen and optimal temperature to germinate. When a seed is exposed to the proper conditions, water and oxygen are taken in through the seed coat. The embryo's cells start to enlarge.

What is the science behind planting seeds? ›

A seed contains a young plant that is resting inside a protective coating until the conditions are right for it to grow into a plant. What do seeds need to grow? Like all living things, plants need food, water, and air to grow. When seeds begin to grow, or germinate, they develop roots to help them develop into plants.

What are 7 steps of seed germination? ›

The Seed Germination Process
  • Step 1: Imbibition: water fills the seed.
  • Step 2: The water activates enzymes that begin the plant's growth.
  • Step 3: The seed grows a root to access water underground.
  • Step 4: The seed grows shoots that grow towards the sun.
  • Step 5: The shoots grow leaves and begin photmorphogenesis.

What is the process of a seed starting to grow called? ›

germination, the sprouting of a seed, spore, or other reproductive body, usually after a period of dormancy.

What promotes seed growth? ›

Numerous extrinsic factors can prolong or terminate seed dormancy and promote seed germination and development. Light [9], temperature [10], and soil conditions [11] are major signals that can be perceived by seeds to regulate the timing of germination.

What are the 4 factors that triggers seed germination? ›

There are four environmental factors that affect seed germination: Water, Light, Oxygen, and Heat.

Do seeds germinate better in the dark? ›

Most of the seeds germinate best in dark environments. The presence of light tends to inhibit their growth. The light decomposes carbonic acid gas and expels oxygen which leads the seed to harden. These gases are key factors that promote germination.

What happens on day 7 of germination? ›

Day 7 – All growing strong! In this phase of growth, the first seed leaves begin to mature. The green bean seed is considered a dicotyledon, meaning that it produces two seed leaves within the cotyledons. This part of the germination process of a green bean is also called hypogeal germination.

How do you ensure successful germination? ›

Keep Them Well-Watered. Once your seeds have been placed and you've started monitoring garden temperatures, you simply need to keep them well-watered until they germinate. Too little moisture and the seeds won't germinate; too much moisture and they could actually begin to rot instead of developing.

What medium is best for seeds to sprout? ›

Soil microbiology can be very good, but it can also include pathogens that will kill your seedlings right as they're germinating. So soilless mix is the way to go when starting seeds. An 8-quart bag of soilless mix will run you between $7 and $12, and that will fill two 10-by-20-inch seed trays.

How do seeds know when to germinate? ›

When a dormant seed senses moisture in its proximity, FLOE1 almost instantaneously assembles in the cell to test the waters, so to speak, and determine whether the conditions are good for the seed to reactivate and start growing.

What seeds need darkness to germinate? ›

Some other popular types which prefer darkness for germination are:
  • Calendula.
  • Centaurea.
  • Delphinium.
  • Gazania.
  • Nemesia.
  • Primula sinensis.
  • Schizanthus.

Do seeds need sunlight to germinate? ›

The majority of seeds grow most effectively in the dark. Light, which is essential for seedling growth, may actually hinder the germination process. The three primary and necessary conditions for a seed to germinate are water, oxygen, and temperature. Thus, Light is not necessary for a seed to germinate.

What is the science behind how plants grow? ›

In Summary: How Plants Grow

Most plants continue to grow as long as they live. They grow through a combination of cell growth and cell division (mitosis). The key to plant growth is meristem, a type of plant tissue consisting of undifferentiated cells that can continue to divide and differentiate.

What do seeds do in biology? ›

Seeds serve several functions for the plants that produce them. Key among these functions are nourishment of the embryo, dispersal to a new location, and dormancy during unfavorable conditions.

What are the facts about seeds in biology? ›

The seed is the embryonic stage of the plant life cycle. Most seeds consist of three parts: embryo, endosperm, and seed coat. The embryo is a tiny plant that has a root, a stem, and one or more leaves. The endosperm is the nutritive tissue of the seed, often a combination of starch, oil, and protein.

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