12 Better Ways To Say “Well Received” (Professional Email) (2024)

In replying to an email, many people like to use the phrase “Well received” to indicate the fact that they received the original email. “Well received” is a perfectly fine phrase to use, but it can be somewhat awkward to incorporate sometimes. This article will showcase some alternatives to use.

12 Better Ways To Say “Well Received” (Professional Email) (1)

The preferred version is “I’ve received your message”. It’s a good and reliable expression to use because it’s a simple and straightforward explanation of the message’s reception, without making a value judgment on the contents of the email. It’s not too cold and it’s not overly familiar.

I’ve Received Your Message

“I’ve received your message” is a fantastic way to let someone know that you got their email. It’s direct and doesn’t use overly complicated language, and it also hits a really good tone balance: Not too friendly, not too cold. You can follow it up with anything you need to.

  • Dear Mr. Howlett
  • I’ve received your message. I will be uploading the missing documents as soon as possible to finally solve this issue.
  • My best,
  • Quentin
  • Dear Mrs. Frost
  • I’ve received your message. I will notify my parents that I need their signature on the form, and once I have it I will send it over to the office.
  • My best,
  • Sophie

Confirming That I Received Your Email

“Confirming that I received your email” is a great way to let the receiver know that you got their email. It’s a good phrase to use because you can follow it up with a direct reply to what the person was talking about, and it flows in a natural way.

  • Dear Mr. Summers
  • Confirming that I received your email, I’m forwarding you the requested pictures.
  • Cheers,
  • Kurt
  • Dear Mrs. Grey
  • Confirming that I received your email, I think that you’re absolutely correct and that we need to rethink our approach to this entire conference.
  • My best,
  • Laura

Receipt Confirmed

“Receipt confirmed” is a direct way of addressing any doubt the receiver might have as to the read status of their email. It’s a bit too cold to use in most emails, but in certain bureaucratic situations it can be a direct tool to clear up any doubts that remain.

  • Esteemed Mr. Kent
  • Receipt confirmed. We’ve taken the pictures you sent us and will be processing them at the lab soon.
  • My best,
  • Lang
  • Dear Mrs. Kyle
  • Receipt confirmed. I’ve just completed a wire transfer for the entire payment. Let me know if an issue arises.
  • Cheers,
  • Jonathan

Thank You For The Information

“Thank you for the information” is a good roundabout way of letting the receiver of the email know that you not only read the email they sent to you, but that you’re thankful for the information they sent to you in that email. It’s direct and courteous to the receiver.

  • Dear Mr. Hugo
  • Thank you for the information. I’ll keep it in mind and organize my interview schedule around all of the information you sent.
  • Cheers,
  • Gerry
  • Dear Mrs. Williams
  • Thank you for the information. The convention schedules seem very busy and I’ll use the data you sent me to make the most of my time there.
  • Salutations,
  • Benjamin

I’ve Read Your Email

“I’ve read your email” is a very matter of fact and direct statement, but it can be very useful when it comes to long exchanges that seem to go around in circles. It’s a good way of reminding the person that you’ve taken all the available information into account.

  • Dear Mr. Jordan
  • I’ve read your email. It’s a very relatable and frustrating experience, and I’ll do my best to help you with it.
  • My best,
  • Hector
  • Dear Mr. Hickman
  • I’ve read your email. If what you say is true, then we need to rework the entire process. I appreciate the notice.
  • Cheers,
  • Judy

Your Email Was Appreciated

“Your email was appreciated” is a great way of thanking the person for reaching out, and subtextually it notifies the person that their message not only is of value, but that it was received and read. After all, for the message to be appreciated, it’d have to be read first.

You can also phrase this as “I/We appreciated your email”. This approach is slightly less impersonal, and might be better for certain interactions. However, for most cases the passive voice should suffice.

  • Dear Mr. Johns
  • Your email was appreciated. It’s been a rough year for our small business but the support is valuable.
  • Cheers,
  • Gregor

I’ve Registered The Information In Your Message

This one might seem a little odd, but “I’ve registered the information in your message” is a great technical way to notify the person that the information they provided was valuable enough to be worth registering and notifying other parties of it, creating a record for ease of access.

  • Dear Ms. Nice
  • I’ve registered the information in your message. If it’s true, then we’re going to vastly improve our second batch of the product.
  • Cheers,
  • Rudolf
  • Dear Mr. Virgil
  • I’ve registered the information in your message. It’s going to be of great value when then winter season starts.
  • My best,
  • Yamada

Your Message Was Very Helpful

“Your message was very helpful” is a great phrase to use, because not only does it notify the person that their email was read and well-received, but it also thanks the person for sending it in the first place. With how impersonal email messaging can be, this holds great value.

  • Dear Mr. King
  • Your message was very helpful. We can only keep progressing the project thanks to people like you.
  • Cheers,
  • Richard
  • Dear Mr. Frakes
  • Your message was very helpful. You were right about our pipeline issue.
  • Many thanks,
  • Timothy

The Information You Sent Me Was Of Great Use

“The information you sent me was of great use” is another fantastic way to let the person know that their contributions via email were highly valuable, and that you are thankful for it. By thanking the person for their information, you establish a good relationship with them for the future.

  • Dear Mrs. Anderson
  • The information you sent me was of great use. It wasn’t too late to do the changes you asked for.
  • Cheers,
  • James
  • Dear Mr. Davies
  • The information you sent me was of great use. I’ll keep it in mind for the future.
  • My best,
  • Ed

I’ve Copied The Information You Sent

“I’ve copied the information you sent” is another great way to let the person know that the information they sent was of such high value that it’s been copied and forwarded over to people that can handle it better, and that you’re thankful for it.

  • Dear Mr. Richards
  • I’ve copied the information you sent. It’ll be of great use to me and my team of experts. I appreciate it.
  • Cheers,
  • Ryan
  • Dear Mr. Cohen
  • I’ve copied the information you sent. It’s a really fantastic equation and I can’t believe we didn’t think of it.
  • Many thanks,
  • Adam

Your message has been noted

“Your message has been noted” is perhaps the coldest phrase in this list. However, it still holds a lot of value, because in certain professional settings, you have to notify the person that their message has been noted, even if it’s something you do not wish to engage with.

  • Dear Mr. Gibson
  • Your message has been noted. However, it’s too late to put these changes into effect this semester.
  • Cheers,
  • Paul
  • Dear Mr. Moore
  • Your message has been noted. We’ll keep it in mind for future projects and get back to you.
  • My best,
  • WIlson

I appreciate the quick response

“I appreciate the quick response” is a very good phrase to use as long as you’re replying quickly enough yourself. If you are, then it signals that you really care about this issue, and that the reply you received was read and appreciated.

The obvious drawback for this phrase is that there is a certain point where it no longer makes sense to thank the person for their quick response.

After all, if you take too long to reply, then it makes no sense to thank them for a fast response.

  • Dear Mrs. Nocenti
  • I appreciate the quick response. What you need to do to solve it is simply send over the correct forms and we’ll process them.
  • Cheers,
  • Niles

Your Message Was Precisely What I/We Needed

When someone sends a message with useful information, you can use “Your message was precisely what I needed” to thank them for their message, and let them know you appreciated it. It’s a somewhat personal phrase, but still uses formal language. It’s a good balance for a business email.

This is a roundabout way of letting the person know that their message was read, because by stating the importance of the message you received, you’re letting them know that you read the message in the first place.

  • Dear Mr. Morrison
  • Your message was precisely what we needed. The feedback you’ve supplied us with will help a lot. Thank you
  • My best,
  • Sam

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Please confirm receipt of this email – Usage (with examples) + Alternatives

12 Better Ways To Say “Well Received” (Professional Email) (2)

Martin Lassen

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Related posts:

  1. Cheers To vs. Here’s To – Difference Explained (With Examples)
  2. “I Received” or “I Have Received” – Which is Correct?
  3. 11 Better Ways To Say “Did You Get My Email” (Polite)
  4. Is “Dear All” Appropriate In A Work Email? (8 Better Alternatives)

As an AI language model, I have access to a wide range of information and can provide insights on various topics. While I don't have personal experiences or emotions like a human, I can provide factual information and answer questions based on available sources.

Now, let's discuss the concepts mentioned in the article you provided.

Alternatives to "Well received" in Email Replies

The article suggests several alternatives to the phrase "Well received" when replying to emails. These alternatives aim to convey the message that the original email has been received without sounding awkward. Here are the alternatives mentioned in the article:

  1. "I've received your message": This is a simple and straightforward expression that explains the reception of the message without making a value judgment on its contents. It strikes a good balance between being friendly and cold.

  2. "Confirming that I received your email": This phrase lets the recipient know that their email has been received and can be followed up with a direct reply to the content of the email.

  3. "Receipt confirmed": This direct phrase addresses any doubt the recipient might have about the read status of their email. It can be useful in certain bureaucratic situations to clear up any remaining doubts.

  4. "Thank you for the information": This phrase not only acknowledges that the email has been read but also expresses gratitude for the information provided in the email.

  5. "I've read your email": This straightforward statement can be useful in long exchanges where it's important to remind the sender that their message has been taken into account.

  6. "Your email was appreciated": This phrase thanks the sender for reaching out and subtextually notifies them that their message was received and read.

  7. "I've registered the information in your message": This technical phrase notifies the sender that the information provided in their email was valuable and has been registered for future reference.

  8. "Your message was very helpful": This phrase not only acknowledges the receipt of the email but also expresses gratitude for the helpful information provided.

  9. "The information you sent me was of great use": This phrase conveys appreciation for the valuable information sent in the email and establishes a good relationship with the sender.

  10. "I've copied the information you sent": This phrase indicates that the information provided in the email has been copied and forwarded to relevant parties, expressing gratitude for its value.

  11. "Your message has been noted": This phrase acknowledges that the message has been received and noted, even if further engagement is not desired or possible.

  12. "I appreciate the quick response": This phrase expresses appreciation for a prompt reply, signaling that the received response was read and valued.

  13. "Your message was precisely what I needed": This phrase thanks the sender for their message and acknowledges its importance and usefulness.

These alternatives provide various ways to acknowledge the receipt of an email and express gratitude or provide additional information. Remember to choose the phrase that best suits the context and tone of your email response.

Please note that the information provided above is based on the content of the article you shared.

12 Better Ways To Say “Well Received” (Professional Email) (2024)
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