10 Trees That Bear Fruit Fast (2024)

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10 Trees That Bear Fruit Fast (1)

There’s nothing quite like the experience of going out into your own backyard and picking fresh fruit right off the tree. But fruit trees can be discouraging to many gardeners who like to see a quick turnaround in yield.

Many fruit trees can take years to start bearing fruit, and represent a significant time and space investment in any garden.Some citrus trees can take between six and ten years before you see the first piece of fruit!

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For those of us that like to see a quicker turnaround from our gardens but still don’t want to give up the idea of fresh fruit, there are several types of fruit trees that will bear fruit fairly quickly. Figs, mulberries, peaches, and even limes can all give you a successful fruit harvest within the first year they are planted when well cared for.

The key to getting a quick first harvest from many fruit trees is to purchase grafted stock. Grafting is a technique where a budding stem of one tree is inserted into the rootstock (roots and some portion of the trunk) of another tree.The budding stem then becomes the top part of the tree (called the scion) and the rootstock becomes the lower portion of the tree.

This technique is frequently used with varieties of trees that are difficult to propagate from seed. The result is a hardier plant that will start bearing fruit one to two years earlier than its brethren grown from seed.

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If you’re interested in growing your own fruit, here are 10 trees that will be fruit in just a few years.

10 Fast Bearing Fruit Trees

1. Figs

If you live in a Mediterranean climate, fig trees will give you fruit in one to two years after planting. Notoriously easy to grow, fig trees can also be grown in pots if you live in a climate with colder winters.

Left to their own devices, fig trees can grow up to 30 feet tall within about five years, but several gardeners attest to seeing trees as little as one-foot tall bearing fruit. Due to their popularity, there are many types of fig varieties available, so be sure to choose one that is especially adapted for your climate zone.

2. Mulberries

Mulberries are also an extremely popular choice for those that want fruit in a timely manner. Mulberry trees will produce within one year if you are using a grafted tree, and they can grow up to 2.5 feet each year! In case you can’t eat all that a mulberry tree can produce, birds like chickens, ducks, and turkeys love to eat mulberries.

3. Nectarines

If you live in a warm enough climate, grafted nectarine trees can produce fruit in under three years when well taken care of. They need well-drained soil, so make sure you put them in an area where soggy roots won’t be an issue.

Nectarine trees aren’t self-pollinating, which means you will need two trees in order to produce fruit.Get two different varieties of trees that bloom at the same time so there will be cross-pollination.

4. Peaches

When properly cared for, peach trees can begin producing fruit in as little as three years. Just take note that they require consistent warm weather throughout the year and will not do well in areas with cold temperatures. Peach trees are most ideal to grow under full sunlight in 4-9 USDA zones, using slightly acidic, and well-drained soil that isn’t too soggy.

5 & 6. Lemon and Orange

Citrus trees like lemon and orange trees may seem like a pipe dream to many of us that don’t live in a tropical climate, but there are many varieties of citrus trees that do extremely well indoors and in pots. This opens up quite a few possibilities for those of us that have greenhouses and other indoor growing spaces.

10 Trees That Bear Fruit Fast (2)

Do a little bit of research to find the varieties best suited to your needs, but limes, lemons, and oranges can produce fruit the year after they are planted. They are also self-pollinating, meaning you only need one tree in order to produce fruit.

Another type of orange, mandarins can take up to seven years to begin producing fruit. But if you use a grafted tree instead, it’s possible to have fruit in just two years. Just make sure that your tree gets at least six hours of sun a day and go with soil that is mildly acidic, and you’ll be good to go.

7. Black Cherries

Although a little tarter than their cousin the sweet cherry, black cherry trees only take 2-3 years to produce after being planted.Sweet cherry trees can take 5-7 years to fully mature and produce fruit.

Since they are on the tarter side, black cherries are great to use in jams and liquors.They also grow fairly quickly, reaching up to 20 feet in just a few years.

8. Apricots

If you live anywhere in hardiness zones 6-9, apricots may be a great choice for your fast fruiting garden. They typically produce fruit after about three years and can produce fruit for 20 to 25 years after that. Although it may not bear fruit, the tree itself can live as an ornamental for up to 150 years.

Most varieties of apricots are self-fruitful, so you only need one tree to produce fruit successfully. Once a mature tree blooms, it is typically between 100 and 120 days for the fruit to be harvestable.

9. Papayas

Papaya trees can begin producing fruits in as little as one year, which makes them one of the fastest-growing options when it comes to fruit trees. The only downside is that they need warmth throughout the entire year as they cannot tolerate frost, but there are variations that can be grown in a greenhouse or container garden if you live in a colder climate.

10. Pears

Pear trees can begin producing fruit in as little as three years under the right conditions. Pears can be grown in 3-10 USDA zones, which makes them slightly hardier than peach trees as well.

They do require full sunlight with little to noshade, but they can still withstand cold temperatures fairly well above 29 degrees Fahrenheit. Take note as well that pear trees can grow to be over twenty feet tall, so make sure you have plenty of space for them.

Final Thoughts

The key to quickly producing fruit trees is to make sure the tree is well cared for. Plant it in the correct soil, with the correct sunlight, and choose varieties that will do well in your climate zone. That, and using well-grafted rootstock will have you eating fresh fruit from your own garden in no time!

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10 Trees That Bear Fruit Fast (3)

10 Trees That Bear Fruit Fast (2024)


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Mango Trees

Mango fruit trees only take between one and two years to be ready to produce fruit from the time of planting, with some varieties growing fruit even sooner. Mango trees grow quickly in the right environment. The Glenn Mango variety bears fruit the fastest!

What fruit trees produce fruit the first year? ›

Stark Bro's Fruit Trees – Average Time Until Your First Harvest
Fruit Tree TypeYears to Bear
Fig Trees1-2 years
Mulberry Trees2-3 years
Nectarine Trees2-4 years
Olive Trees2-3 years
13 more rows

What tree takes 100 years to produce fruit? ›

It can take up to two hundred years for some species of Baobab tree to bear fruit and each tree is different, producing fruits on its own time schedule. Once a Baobab tree produces fruits, the pods will ripen and hang on the tree until they are blown off by strong winds or harvested by humans or animals.

What tree takes 70 years to bear fruit? ›

A man named Honi, who encountered another man planting a carob tree, asked, “How long will it take to bear fruit?” The man replied, “About 70 years.” Honi replied, “So you think you will live long enough to taste its fruit?” The other man explained, “I have found ready-grown carob trees in the world.

What is the quickest and easiest fruit to grow? ›

Berries are the fastest-growing fruit. Strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are some of the fastest-growing fruits. Fruits mature more slowly than vegetables, but some grow quicker than others. It can produce fruit in the first year.

What is the easiest fruit plant to grow? ›

Many people consider pear trees to be the easiest fruit tree to grow on your own. Specifically, Asian pear tree varieties are well-known as the perfect fruit trees for beginners because of how simple they are to take care of and how much fruit they produce with little extra effort.

How many fruit trees do you need for a family of 4? ›

For reference, a family of 4 would get plenty of fruit for the year from 2-3 semi-dwarf fruit trees. Choose the amount and variety of trees to fit your needs—and don't forget that you can always preserve or share the fruits that you harvest (if you grow “too much”).

Which fruit trees are self-pollinating? ›

These are called self-fruitful or self-pollinating plants, and they will produce well even if only one is planted. Self-pollinating fruits include peach, nectarine, fig, citrus, muscadine cultivars that produce perfect flowers, bunch grape, strawberry and blackberry.

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White mulberry trees have been classified as invasive in certain regions due to their rapid adaptability and potential to spread extensively. Such invasive species can quickly dominate and outcompete native vegetation, leading to significant disruptions in local ecosystems.

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The Coconut tree (scientific name: Cocos Nucifera) is called the “Tree of Life” because all the parts of the entire tree–from top to bottom–are used to sustain human life. It must be the most useful tree in the world, bar none.

What is the most drought tolerant fruit tree? ›

Almonds, figs and olives are the most drought tolerant. Apples, cherries, apricots, pears and plums are somewhat drought tolerant. Nectarines, peaches and citrus need adequate water to survive.

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One of the most popular remembrance trees is the oak tree. The oak is a symbol of strength and longevity. It can live for centuries and is considered the king of trees!

Do older trees produce better fruit? ›

Because this wood needs to be maintained there are fewer resources that can be put into producing high yields of quality fruit. Fruit trees that are older than perhaps 25 years are at or near the end of their best productive lives.

How many years does it take for a tree to bear fruit? ›

The average bearing age of fruit trees is as follows; apple - 4 to 5 years, sour or tart cherry - 3 to 5 years, pear - 4 to 6 years, and plum - 3 to 5 years.

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1. Thuja Green Giant. The Thuja Green Giant is an evergreen tree that can grow in Zones 5 to 9 at a rate of 3 to 5 feet per year. After three years it can reach 15 to 20 feet and, at its mature height, it stands at 30 to 40 feet fall.

Which apple trees bear fruit fastest? ›

Red Delicious: Red Delicious apple trees are fast growers and can start producing fruit as early as four years after planting. Granny Smith: Granny Smith apple trees are also known for their fast growth and can begin producing fruit within three to four years.

What berries produce the first year? ›

Some selections like strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries might try to bloom and set fruit the first year you plant them. You will be doing your plants a favor in the long run if you pinch these flowers off to avoid fruit set in their first year with you.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.